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Gabe Newell, de baas van Valve, geeft zelden interviews. Nu Half-Life Alyx bijna op de markt is, moet hij echter een beetje aan pr doen. En dus sprak hij met IGN.com. Gabe ging daar vol op het toekomst-orgel. Volgens hem zaten we als mensheid dichter bij The Matrix dan we denken. Oftewel, we kunnen straks games met onze hersenen besturen.
Gabe Newell gaf in het interview een boeiend toekomst perspectief: “The area that I’m spending a lot of time on has been growing out of a bunch of research that occurred a while ago on brain-computer interfaces. I think that that’s kind of long lead stuff, so that’s kind of the background thread that I get pulled back into when other things aren’t demanding my attention. We’re way closer to The Matrix than people realize. It’s not going to be The Matrix—The Matrix is a movie and it misses all the interesting technical subtleties and just how weird the post-brain-computer interface world is going to be. But it’s going to have a huge impact on the kinds of experiences we can create for people.”
Precies beschrijven hoe dit allemaal in zijn werk gaat, was lastig. Newell vergeleek het met het uitleggen van hoe internet werkt aan iemand die het internet nog nooit gebruikt heeft. Maar wilde wel een poging wagen. “It turns out that your brain has really good interfaces for some things and really badly designed, kludge-y interfaces for doing other things. The fact that your immune systems gets involved in your perceptions of temperature means there are all sorts of weird parts of your brain that participate in the sensation of being cold, whereas things like your motor cortex or your visual cortex are much more tractable problems. And that’s what I mean. We’re going to learn a lot as we proceed as to what things work and what things don’t, what things are valuable to people and what things are party tricks that don’t really matter in the long run.”