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Kun je je de Blood and Wine uitbereiding/DLC van The Witcher 3 nog herinneren? Heb je er een goede tijd mee beleefd? Mooi! Want CD Projekt Red gaat voor Cyberpunk 2077 met soortgelijke DLC’s komen, qua grote dan vooral.
“We are talking about expansions in the future,” Aldus CD Projekt Red UI Coordinator Alvin Liu tegen Prima Games op de E3. “We want to make sure everything’s complete, but we also want to build open worlds. I know when I was playing The Witcher 3 and I finished everything, I still want to know what everyone was up to. I think we’re going to have opportunities like that as well for Cyberpunk 2077.”
Liu had het ook over een “very rewarding” verhaal en genoeg content bij de lancering. “So I don’t want to spoil anything right now, but very satisfying story arc, right? You’re going to see characters and you’ll see them develop. You’re going to see them go through conflicts and resolve those conflicts. It’ll be a very rewarding ending. We’re not withholding content, we’re not withholding story for the future to try to, you know, monetize it or sell it in pieces or anything like that. You’re going to get the whole, full value game here.”
Op 16 april 2020 kunnen we eindelijk met Cyberpunk 2077 aan de slag. Hoeveel zin heb jij in deze game?